When Life Doesn’t Feel So Heavy

Lately, there’s been a pretty palpable heaviness in education. Even for me, long winded as I am, it’s been hard to find any words that seem right. But that’s partly because I see it everywhere. Had a guy come to the house for a job last night, but he ended up kneeling down by the front door on his way in because he was absolutely exhausted, so I invited him into the kitchen for a drink and some conversation where he told me he couldn’t remember the last time he’s had a real break, five kids at home, no weekends, no vacations. Another guy had to cancel a job because his wife went into the hospital, which is eerily similar to others I’ve talked to in the past five days alone. It’s like you can literally cut the emotional tension with a knife, y’all. But I only bring all this heaviness up because my student government kids ran a killer fundraiser last week like a bunch of pros. They laughed, they helped, they ruled, humbly raking in enough to set aside for the next round of elected officials in the coming November, never worrying about how the dollars would help them this year. They were just raising money for the future. It’s not much, but man do we need to celebrate those little moments when life doesn’t feel quite so heavy. Peace, my friends.