
  • What a World This Would Be

    While today’s frightening explosion at Hoover Dam appears to be under control, the incident brought to mind a petty but recognizable tale from American history and politics, something I learned this summer while spending time at the home, the library,…

  • The Humble Architects of an Unseen Power

    Pulling out of the airport in Cedar Rapids, out into the back roads and side roads and major roads of Iowa, the first word that comes to mind isn’t what you might think. It’s not cows. Or corn. It’s not…

  • Why Good People Don’t Run for Office

    When I was preparing to leave for Iowa, a couple of people made a point of saying that the Midwest seems oddly pale compared to Switzerland, compared to Austria, compared to whatever, fill-in-the-blank with some other beautiful place you’ve gone…

  • What If There Was Another Way

    According to a Gallup Poll in 2020, the United States is broken down into three political categories. 41% of us are registered as Independent (NPA), 31% of us are registered as Democrats, and 25% of us are registered as Republican.…

  • A Quick Tip About Tipping Overseas

    There’s a strange disconnect in the world of hospitality both here and abroad. And after working in restaurants, in hotels, in places where my wage barely covered the cost of my taxes for roughly fifteen years before I became a…

  • The Fable of a Post-Roe World

    There’s an old story I learned as a child. It wasn’t particularly religious, even though I lived in a conservative Christian home, but it was born somewhere in Greek history, somewhere among the pages of Aesop’s Fables, a story we…

  • This Unexpected Assault on Her Hearing

    Some of you know. Others maybe not so much. A little more than three years ago, we booked flights and made plans to visit Switzerland and Austria. In essence, this trip we’ve been on over the past couple of weeks…

  • Finally. An Author Page on FB.

    While it’s true that I write books for all ages and people of other worlds beyond K-12 Education, I decided it was well past time to set up an Author Page on Facebook for people who’d like to follow or…

  • To the Almost-But-Also Moms

    There’s a running cliche that says we should all be asking single people when they’re getting married, asking newlyweds when they’re thinking about having kids, and asking parents what they see their child becoming in the future. It’s a lot…

  • When Life Doesn’t Feel So Heavy

    Lately, there’s been a pretty palpable heaviness in education. Even for me, long winded as I am, it’s been hard to find any words that seem right. But that’s partly because I see it everywhere. Had a guy come to…