
  • Visiting the Red Cross and the United Nations

    We loosely prepared for speaking German, but learned pretty quickly that in Geneva, almost everyone speaks French, so Melissa brushed up on her two years from high school. Nevertheless, we made it to the United Nations (with the Broken Chair,…

  • Safely. Finally. Feet on the Ground.

    We arrived in Geneva, Switzerland after more than three years of planning and more than half a day of flying, driving, and riding trains. On our previous trip overseas, Melissa conked out quickly with jet lag (we had, after all,…

  • A Beautiful Weekend That Made Us Nervous

    You know those times when all your friends or all your family decide it’s a good time to get together, even though all the signs suggest this is the worst time imaginable, but you feel a duty and a responsibility…

  • Book #4 is Released – Cold Turkey Rage

    On Friday morning before we left New York, quietly and without any fanfare, I submitted my fourth book for publication. This was not a project I published lightly, nor is it a project I will promote heavily. It’s a very…

  • Spring Break in the Hamptons

    Woke up in time to watch the 20 degree sunrise off the lighthouse in Montauk. Through rain, sleet, and nighttime snow that snaked across every Long Island highway, through a week of sickness and slow recovery, we arrived. Spring Break…

  • Plenty More To Do

    After a year of memorable moments, memorable achievements, memorable trips, I feel compelled to share one of my favorite and most underrated. But let me first put the past twelve months in perspective, because that last, best, and least regarded…

  • Mom & Dad & Christmas Week

    My parents came down to experience a Floridian Christmas in our little corner of the world for the first time. Lights. Ocean. Heat. And a bunch of walking. No snow. At one point, we spent the day in Orlando, meeting…

  • A Cabin in the Carolina Mountains

    From November 18 through November 24, Melissa and I drove up to and stayed in a cabin east of Asheville, somewhere nestled in the Carolina Mountains. As usual, I brought far too many books and we ate far too much…

  • After a Long Day

    That feeling when you’ve worked a long day, drive home through the rain, see her car in the garage, a light on in the bedroom, and you smile because you know you’re about to kiss a beautiful woman and tell…