
  • On to the Once Stifling Home of Mozart

    Being in a compact city, walking through crowds and narrow columns with no benches, through churches, chapels, cathedrals, castles, and catacombs, we both had to admit to missing the quieter, spread out life of the Swiss mountains. But today was…

  • Visiting the Red Cross and the United Nations

    We loosely prepared for speaking German, but learned pretty quickly that in Geneva, almost everyone speaks French, so Melissa brushed up on her two years from high school. Nevertheless, we made it to the United Nations (with the Broken Chair,…

  • When We Least Feel Like We Deserve It

    It wasn’t during Teacher Appreciation Week. It wasn’t the last week of school or the last month. It wasn’t even written by a student who did the right thing most of the time. On the contrary, it was written two…

  • Finally. An Author Page on FB.

    While it’s true that I write books for all ages and people of other worlds beyond K-12 Education, I decided it was well past time to set up an Author Page on Facebook for people who’d like to follow or…

  • When Life Doesn’t Feel So Heavy

    Lately, there’s been a pretty palpable heaviness in education. Even for me, long winded as I am, it’s been hard to find any words that seem right. But that’s partly because I see it everywhere. Had a guy come to…

  • Wouldn’t Have Missed It

    The other day, I had an afternoon meeting that blocked my calendar for two hours. It was an important meeting with an important parent over an important child. Wouldn’t have missed it. But honestly, I felt a little bummed, like…

  • Tickled to See Them All Laughing

    Haven’t felt the best today, but I got to hang out with my students in St. Augustine for a few hours. And for all the unexpected hardships of the year, I was tickled to see them all smiling or laughing,…

  • A Preview of Jason Hoffman

    Turned my room into a restaurant, donned a tie, introduced myself as “Jason,” handed them menus, and gave them a different kind of math experience to end the week. They were well fed and well entertained, but they also worked…

  • What They Can Be

    The kids chose jobs, found salaries, and broke them down into monthly incomes for a budget. Boy on the left realizes he can’t cover his bills. Boy on the right realizes he has more than enough. Without prompting, boy on…

  • A Message to Parents About My Profession

    The gods of education must have laughed when I got my first teaching gig, when someone handed me a guide and told me I’d be teaching science. It wasn’t just that I preferred other subjects, but that I literally detested…