
  • Not Much for Sitting Around

    If you stare at a wooden shelf, littered with enormous books, over several years, the wood will start to bend. Or at least, that’s how I attempted to explain “shoulder surgery” to my ten and eleven year old students, so…

  • They Proved Me Wrong

    Teaching is hard to explain. Even among those of us who do it. I’ve never seen a map or found a key that leads to or unlocks the door of student success. Honestly, it’s a different process and a different…

  • Looking Inward

    This week, I stayed at school until after seven for three consecutive days, first to prepare a set of reviews, second to prepare a set of tests, and finally, to grade the results of all 72 kids. But in the…

  • Lobster Problems

    Fifth Grade Math is about transition, about moving from problem solving with an elementary mind to problem solving as a pre-teen. By building Lobster Aquariums and filling them with problems inside of capsules (aka, lobster eggs), then mixing those capsules…

  • The Gifted School

    Back in August, on the morning of my first day of teaching at a gifted school, I carved out 10-15 minutes in my classroom to grab a cup of coffee and read the first chapter of Bruce Holsinger’s 450-page novel,…

  • How Generations Move Forward

    Never forget, and always remember, and forever, forever stay in our hearts. These are the terms of endearment we offer to ourselves and each other after a tragedy, a temporary promise that we will keep our memories sharpened by the…

  • Running into Old Students

    Tonight, I ran into an old student bagging our groceries at Publix, now a senior at Lyman HS. “Mr. Lucas?” he asked. I hadn’t looked up from under my hat as we were laying out our items from the cart,…

  • Walking Away

    This week, as I said goodbye to Milwee, my students, and my program of six years, it turned out that the most difficult goodbye was the one I had to give my family of friends and colleagues, many of whom…

  • New Endeavors

    This afternoon, I signed the papers and met with my new team. I am now, officially, the newest 5th Grade Math Teacher at Galileo School for Gifted Learning, 2019-2020. I’m absolutely thrilled about where I’m going, but torn and heartbroken…

  • About Hamilton

    In the early aughts (2002-2009), after my wife and I got married, my little brother and my little sister used to come and stay with us on breaks from school. Aspiring to be though not yet fully an educator, I…